Thursday, April 14, 2011


I got no idea what to write out now, there is an empty in mind.
I already spew out all of the words in my marketing test just now.

Today, Thursday, one more test to go.
should say it's a test or quiz? is consider a test I think.
What the lecturer said that is a quiz but can't to open book and need to sit in the exam hall to do and some more it's consist of 10%/60% in the coursework marks. It's too much! so for me, it's consider as a test alrd!

After next week, there will be my study week! A week that consider relax week? I dun think so, only a week but need to study all of the subject, will be a terrible week.

Actually I'm so damn tiring now, but don't wish to take a nap or sleep.
The sun is so big big outside my window although that I have a air-cone but I dislike sleep in a bright day. I like to sleep when the sky is dark =D
But i don't think that I can sleep earlier tonight, need to study 4 chapters of statistic only that can have peace of mind to fall asleep.

There is nothing that I can do now, is so lazy to do everything.
one more test, individual assignment, and group assignment to go,
break a leg =)

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